The Regimen

Pro Tips For The Perfect ProPeel®

Pro Tips For The Perfect ProPeel®

If you made it to the Vivant booth at Skin & Body in San Jose in August, you may have seen aesthetician Lynn Kellicut demonstrating the art of the ProPeel®.

Lynn believes with all the devices and procedures available to aestheticians, the right chemical peel is still the surefire way to achieve the best results in every area. So do we.

A peel is a rapid way to improve skin texture and tone by removing the top layers of skin including cellular buildup and impactions. As a bonus, the newly regenerated skin is more receptive to additional products so the benefits continue to multiply. Properly performed, it’s a noninvasive route to dramatic rejuvenation, and it takes no more time than a facial. But make sure you’re using a peel that actually does what it claims. Vivant’s ProPeel® is a four-step, medium depth chemical peel that combines lactic, salicylic and citric acids, plus trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and natural moisturizers to diminish lines, build collagen, and reduce discoloration in every skin type and tone.

Lynn has performed Vivant’s ProPeel® hundreds of times and is a confident master at this point. Here are Lynn’s tips, plus a few of our own for performing the perfect ProPeel®.

Prep is key. Precondition the skin. Know the procedure. Prepare your supplies. Prepare your client.

Always have your client precondition the skin with a Vivant Skin Care at-home Preconditioning Program. You can’t achieve your best results without preconditioning the skin. Check the chart in the full protocol on our website to determine the correct program and length of time for your client’s skin type.

Keep water for hydration and a saline eyewash alongside your other supplies.

Some clients may feel a little anxiety about a peel if it’s their first time. Before beginning, explain the steps and tell your client exactly what to expect. They’ll experience some heat on the skin. Some describe it as having chili peppers rubbed on the face. The skin will redden and blanch white during the process. That’s normal and shouldn’t worry you or your client.

Give your client a small handheld fan and instruct them to use it to blow the fumes and cool the face as needed.

Check in with your client as you work asking about the sensation they’re feeling. Have them rate their sensation on a scale of one to ten, one being no sensation, ten being intense. If your client rates the sensation at a 7 or above, wait until it begins to come down again before proceeding.

Use the word “sensation” and not “pain.” You’re managing your client’s comfort level as well as managing their skin.

Start at the forehead. The skin here is thicker and the slowest to respond. It may require more application to get this area to blanch.

Always go into the hairline and across the brows to avoid demarcation. The solution won’t harm or discolor the hair.

When working around the mouth, have the client roll the lips inward to protect the delicate skin and avoid getting any of the solution in the mouth.

Clients should stay out of the sun and avoid any exercise that will produce a sweat for the next three to four days. Sweating can trigger blistering.

Instruct your client not to pull the skin as it begins to lift. Allow it to peel and fall away naturally or cut away larger pieces with clean cosmetic scissors. Pulling at sections can cause painful tearing where the skin has not yet lifted.

The above is intended to serve as a list of supplementary tips. For full, step-by-step instructions on how to perform a ProPeel®, see the complete protocol in the professional section of our website. Do not attempt the ProPeel® without reading the full instructions. If you have questions, please contact us at or at 1-800-984-8268.

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