The Regimen

RED CARPET DÉCOLLETAGE: The secret to Oscar-worthy skin

RED CARPET DÉCOLLETAGE: The secret to Oscar-worthy skin

It’s awards season, which means an abundance of décolletage on display. How do the stars reveal so much skin without revealing their age? Prevention is key.

We spend a lot of time focusing on our face, but often neglect the delicate skin of the décolletage. The skin in this area thinner and more fragile than the dermis of the face. Add to that the fact that the décolletage also gets a lot of exposure to sun and environmental pollutants and you have a recipe for accelerated aging. The décolletage requires special attention.

Here are some tips to help you get your skin red carpet-ready.

Protect Your Skin From UV Damage

The number one thing you can do to keep your décolletage smooth, firm, and even-toned is to protect the area from age-accelerating UV damage. Use sunscreen every day. (You get a pass if you’re wearing a turtleneck.) Vivant’s Day Treatment Lotion with SPF 15 is the perfect morning moisturizer for use during a normal daily routine. The light, non-greasy formula contains zinc peptides and whole leaf aloe for an added boost of cell repair and regeneration. If you’re going to be spending more time outdoors than just shuttling between home, office, school, etc., bump up to an SPF 30 sunscreen, which blocks 97% of UVB rays. Anything beyond that is just extra chemicals with little extra protection.

Sleep On Your Back

As we age, collagen decreases and skin loses firmness and elasticity. Sun exposure accelerates the process and leads discoloration and age spots. Those of us who like to sleep on our sides will begin noticing the formation of vertical lines on the décolletage. Sleeping on your back will help reduce the effects of gravitational compression and minimize creases.

Cleanse & Nourish

Give your décolletage some TLC with a cleanser that nourishes and hydrates. Vivant’s gentle Cleansing Milk is a luxuriously creamy wash fortified with antioxidant grape seed oil to hydrate, protect skin from free radical damage, and stimulate cell repair. You can combine it with Buffing Grains once a week to remove dead skin and help boost collagen production. Because the skin of this area is thinner and more sensitive, keep physical exfoliation to a minimum, otherwise, you could end up causing irritation and damage.

Boost Collagen With Peptides

Peptides are powerful cell-signaling agents that stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyluronic acid production. Gentle anti-inflammatory activity makes peptides perfect for lifting and firming delicate skin. And they don't add to sun sensitivity, so you can use Vivant's Rejuv Rx oligopeptide serum morning and night to enhance the skin's extra-cellular matrix and restore a smooth, hydrated, and youthful appearance.

Don't Forget to Moisturize

The thinner skin matrix of the décolletage means it loses moisture more rapidly than the face. A moisturizer with that offers both hydration and renewal is an essential for this area. Try Vivant’s Marine Skin Nourishing Cream, an intensely hydrating and deeply nourishing blend of antioxidants, bioactive marine minerals, amino acids and sea proteins, to replenish and restore suppleness and elasticity.

Try A Gentle Peel

If you’re afraid your décolletage is beyond repair, don’t despair. A peel may be just the thing you need. A chemical peel works well for the neck and chest, but because of the sensitivity of the area, a lighter superficial peel is in order. Ask your aesthetician about Vivant’s skin-optimizing ProZyme® Lite treatment. This anti-inflammatory blend of bromelain enzymes extracted from pineapple juice and stems delivers proteolytic (protein digesting) exfoliation and promotes collagen production, leaving skin brighter, smoother, and infinitely more supple.

And, of course, beyond topical solutions, be sure to nourish your skin from the inside out. A good low glycemic diet, plenty of water, sleep, and exercise to oxygenate and increase circulation are all extremely important factors in maintaining optimum skin health.

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