The Regimen

Shawn Lynn Haviland On Why Skin Care Is A Commitment


Shawn Lynn


On the importance of committing to skin care and why there’s nothing like a good cryo facial when you’re feeling stressed.

Shawn Lynn Haviland On The Importance Of Committing To Skin Care

Shawn Lynn Haviland is a licensed medical aesthetician, a certified laser specialist, and owner of Denver’s Cherry Hills Facial Aesthetics. If you’re a fan of the popular blog PaleOMG, you’ve likely read Juli Bauer’s frequent skin care chronicles in which she credits much of her success in overcoming cystic acne to her intensive treatment program with Shawn Lynn.



“Get good quality products with the science behind them.”

What advice do you give your clients?
Skin care is a commitment. Just like exercise. It takes a lot of consistent work and doing a variety of professional treatments. Just like in working out, you can’t continue the same routine. You have to switch it up. It also involves taking care of yourself at home with good skin care and diet. Most importantly, I educate my clients on all of the home care products and procedures. It’s easier to be committed when you fully understand the benefits of each product.

What’s the worst mistake people make caring for their skin?
Picking, smoking, poor diet, and the sun.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about caring for their skin?
Believing in one miracle product.

What made you get into skin care?
I had really bad skin and a passion for skin care. I couldn’t find anyone who could give me a straight answer to help me with my skin. Then I had a great opportunity through a tuition reimbursement program from my former employer, Frontier Airlines, to go to school to learn about what I love. I received my Associates Degree in Science with an emphasis in paramedical skincare from the Florida College of Natural Health. It was while I was in Florida that I met Dr. Fulton. And the rest is history.

What is your personal skin care regimen?
Oh my gosh. I use it all. I can give you an example of my morning routine today. AM: Buffing Grains, Daily Repair Pads, Rejuv Rx, Spin Trap, Marine Nourishment Cream mixed with a little foundation for a nice natural glow. Tonight, I will swap Exfol-A Forté for the Rejuv Rx, and Allantoin for the Marine Cream.

Aside from product, what has the most impact on skin health?
For me, staying hydrated with coconut water or just plain water. And Sakara Beauty Chocolates.

How often do you think people should get a professional facial?
Every 4 to 6 weeks. They can stretch it out if they use good medical grade skin care.

We recently interviewed Juli Bauer of PaleOMG. She raves about the work you’ve done to help her clear her cystic acne. How difficult is the process of overcoming cystic acne?
It’s a long road and requires lots of strategy. But it’s not impossible. Juli is an example.

Do you think there’s any value in detoxing or cleansing?
I like juicing. I’m currently on my 8th day of a 10-day cleanse. I modify it though to fit my lifestyle. My job is very physical, so I enjoy a warm meal in the evenings only.

What is the “must-never” of skin care?
Going the less expensive route. Get good quality products with the science behind them.

Finish this sentence: True beauty comes from… Within.

Favorite indulgence? My family and career

Favorite way to de-stress? Running, hiking, pilates, or a good cryo facial.

Cryo facial. Shawn Lynn interview

For those of who are unfamiliar, what is a cryo facial?
Basically hosing your face with the fog of dry ice. It’s frotox instead of Botox. It tightens the skin, refines pores, reduces fines lines, gets rid of puffiness. And it feels really good.

Why did you start Cherry Hills Facial Aesthetics?
I wanted to be in a positive work environment. And I made sure that happened. It’s best for me and for my clients. I love owning my own business. I work with my two very best friends Marisol Knudsen and Robert La Cour. They are positive people, loyal, and hard-working. I worked with Marisol for years before starting Cherry Hills. She’s my right-hand woman. Robert and I go way back. We worked together for ten years at Frontier Airlines.

Best thing about what you do?
Establishing relationships with my clients. I want to be in this right alongside them. It’s a partnership. They all have my cell phone number. 


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