The acne specialist who’s mastered the kung fu of skin care
The acne specialist who’s mastered the kung fu of skin care.
Master acne specialist and owner of Live Acne Free Skin Clinic in Arcadia, California, Antoinette Klinakis has spent forty years in the beauty industry cultivating the skill and knowledge to achieve a higher level of skin care. For Klinakis, radiant results come not from quick fixes, but from strict dedication to regimen, routine and inner health.
Antoinette Klinakis on the art and discipline of clear skin.
Morning Routine:
Cleanse. Buffing grains. 9% Mandelic Acid Toner or Normalizing Tonic. Exfol-A Forté. Sunscreen. Moisturizer. Makeup. And I’m ready to go.
Prevention or correction?
Both. Clear skin starts with being healthy on the inside. Drink water. Exercise. Avoid sugar and cut down the stress. And then stick to your skin care regimen.
Toner: Swipe or skip?
Swipe. It sloughs off dead skin. Keeps the skin smoother fresher-looking. Also, even though I don’t have acne, I like the fact that it keeps my skin clean, free of bacteria.
What’s the secret to great skin?
The right skin care regimen and being internally healthy. It’s about being healthy from the inside out.
Other than product, what has the most impact on the health of skin?
Two words: WHEAT GRASS. Drink it daily, two to three times a day.
If you want to be young, it’s not just about topicals. When we’re healthy on the inside, everything radiates, our skin, our eyes, just our whole health overall.
How important is sleep for skin health?
I’m usually in bed by 10:00 p.m. I don’t care how much stuff you put on, when you’re tired, you’re not going to look as good.
Botox or notox? What’s your stance on fillers?
Notox. I hate needles. And I don’t like the look it gives. I don’t like puffy lips. It looks like a blowfish. Being internally healthy does more than a shot. There are better things than quick fixes with needles.
What advice do you give your clients?
Do EXACTLY what I tell you to do. If you don’t follow the routine, you won’t get the results.
What’s the best part of your job?
The best thing is changing people’s lives. Their confidence. Their self esteem. That’s the best part of my job.